4. Sommerfilm im Wandelgarten “How to change the world” 06.09.2019 um 20.00 Uhr

How to Change the World chron­i­cles the adven­tures of an eclec­tic group of young pio­neers — Cana­di­an hip­pie jour­nal­ists, pho­tog­ra­phers, musi­cians, sci­en­tists, and Amer­i­can draft dodgers — who set out to stop Richard Nixon’s atom­ic bomb tests in Amchit­ka, Alas­ka, and end up cre­at­ing the world­wide green move­ment. Green­peace was found­ed on tight knit, pas­sion­ate friend­ships forged in Van­cou­ver in the ear­ly 1970s. Togeth­er they pio­neered a tem­plate for envi­ron­men­tal activism which mixed dar­ing icon­ic feats and world­wide media: plac­ing small rub­ber inflat­a­bles between har­poon­ers and whales, block­ing ice-break­ing seal­ing ships with their bod­ies, spray­ing the pelts of baby seals with dye to make them val­ue­less in the fur mar­ket. The group had a pre­scient under­stand­ing of the pow­er of media, know­ing that the advent of glob­al mass com­mu­ni­ca­tions meant that the image had become a more effec­tive tool for change than the strike or the demonstration.